Deprecated and obsolete features

As Canva updates the Print Partnership APIs, it's sometimes necessary to deprecate or remove existing features. A feature refers to a functionality, parameter, callback function or API endpoint the Print Partnership SDK provides.

This page contains a list of features that have been deprecated or made obsolete since April 1, 2021.

When a feature is deprecated, it's still available for use, but is no longer in active development. A deprecated feature may be made obsolete in a future release.

FeatureDeprecated onDescription
onArtworkCreateJune 16, 2021Replaced with onMultiArtworkCreate. See onMultiArtworkCreate.
opts.onArtworkCreateJune 16, 2021Replaced with opts.onMultiArtworkCreate. See createDesign and editDesign.
opts.previewImageSrcApril 6, 2021Replaced with opts.previewImages. See onArtworkCreate.
productionFileApril 6, 2021Replaced with productionFiles. See Purchase an artwork REST API.

When a feature is made obsolete, it's no longer available. Partners must use the replacement feature if there's one.

FeatureMade obsolete onDescription
opts.heightAugust 11, 2021No replacement feature available.
opts.unitsAugust 11, 2021No replacement feature available.
opts.widthAugust 11, 2021No replacement feature available.